Welcome to Ditcheat Parish Council

This is your local website which will enable you to keep up to date with your Parish Council and some other local activities.

You can keep in touch with our meetings, activities, and decisions.   All our meetings are open to attend, your involvement is invited, and you can come along to any meeting to listen or to address councillors. if you wish to highlight a local issue or concern, do get in touch!

Ditcheat Parish Council are part of a vital democratic process which reviews and considers a range of proposals or policies that help preserve, build and shape the future quality of life in our local villages and countryside.

Your local council deals with local planning applications, transport issues, looks after various public areas, including the footpaths, children’s playground and green spaces. We seek to support activities that promote the social welfare, the local economy and health of our citizens.

Environmental concerns, such as litter, alongside wider climate issues, are increasingly addressed. We also seek out funds for a range of activities via grants or funds that will be of community benefit. We undertake and support local activities as illustrated in the recent Jubilee celebrations, Ditcheat Parish having perhaps, the biggest beacon for miles around!


You will find more information about news and events below.

Ditcheat Parish Council logo

Councillor vacancy

There is still a councillor vacancy. Please contact the Clerk for more information.

Councillor vacancy

Due to the resignation of Councillor Lynne Hughes and the sad sudden death of Councillor Roger James there are two vacancies on the Parish Council.

You can also keep up to date with Somerset Council’s news on their newsroom page.


Parish Calendar

View the calendar of upcoming Parish Council meetings.

Parish Council Meetings

View agendas and minutes from Parish Council meetings.


We evaluate local planning applications and work with the local police, district council officers, and neighbourhood watch groups.

We set an annual local rate to cover the Council’s operating costs.



Our role includes initiating projects for maintaining and repairing parish facilities.

We consult with the District Council on maintaining, repairing, and improving highways, drainage, footpaths, public transport, and street cleaning.



We are also responsible for conservation, including trees and listed buildings, and environmental issues.